Abilities and Spells (Animationist):
Trade-Skills: "Black Smith"
%Roll: Animationist Abilities and Spells: 27
01-05: Animated Wagon (Spell) (M.P.C.: 10) (Create a horseless wagon).
06-10: Animation: %Roll: Animation types:
01-05: Bridge (Spell) (M.P.C.: 12) (Create a bridge from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
06-24: Chair (Spell) (M.P.C.: 2) (Create a chair from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
25-39: Ladder (Spell) (M.P.C.: 4) (Create a ladder from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
40-54: Rope (Spell) (M.P.C.: 6) (Create a rope from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
55-59: Stairs (Spell) (M.P.C.: 10) (Create a set of stairs from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
60-75: Table (Spell) (M.P.C.: 4) (Create a table from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
76-80: Tunnel (Spell) (M.P.C.: 20) (Create a tunnel from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
81-00: Utensils (Spell) (M.P.C.: 2) (Create untensils from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
11-19: Animationist's Call (Spell) (M.P.C.: 4) (Create from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
20-28: Bent (Tempered Forge) (Spell) (M.P.C.: 10) (Create from elements (i.e., earth, rock, etc.).
29-37: Folded Metal: %Roll: Folded Metal types:
01-55: Minor Animation (Spell) (M.P.C.: 8) (Cause your creation to move & obey).
56-75: Minor Servant Animation (Spell) (M.P.C.: 16) (Cause creation to move/obey).
76-90: Minor Familiar Animation (Spell) (M.P.C.: 24) (Cause creation to move/obey).
91-00: Familiar Animation (Spell) (M.P.C.: 32) (Cause creation to move/obey).
38-46: Frailty (Spell) (M.P.C.: 24) (Weaken steel, wood, or leather).
47-55: Load (Spell) (M.P.C.: 4) (Load a ballast, catapult, crossbow, pistol-crossbow, etc.).
56-60: Make-Shift: %Roll: Make-Shift types:
01-10: Cabin (Spell) (M.P.C.: 32) (Bring together materials to create a cabin).
11-30: Hut (Spell) (M.P.C.: 16) (Bring together materials to create a hut).
31-35: Keep (Spell) (M.P.C.: 64) (Bring together materials to create a keep).
36-98: Shelter (Spell) (M.P.C.: 8) (Bring together materials to create a shelter).
99-00: Stronghold (Spell) (M.P.C.: 128) (Bring together materials to create a stronghold).
61-66: Puppet 1 (Spell) (M.P.C.: 6) (Hand-sized puppet - can move & obey commands independantly).
67-74: Quicken Weapon (Spell) (M.P.C.: 14) (Cause a weapon to rise up and wield itself).
75-82: Staminaturia (Spell) (M.P.C.: 24) (Causes temporment of armor, or increased weapon damage).
83-91: Trigger (Spell) (M.P.C.: 10) (Pull the trigger on a crossbow, trap, etc.).
92-00: Twisted (Spell) (M.P.C.: 36) (Causes earth elements to form into the creature: Earth Cretin).
Animated (Wagon) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
Causes a wagon to function as if being pulled by a team of horses.
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 10 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | N/A (this is a spell). |
Ability Preparation: | N/A. See: "Spell-Points to Cast". |
Area of Effect: | One wagon. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | 1 hour (+1 hour per 2 levels advanced). |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
This spell will cause a wagon to move, as if being pulled by a team of horses. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | Enchanted and magical wagons are not effected by the power of this spell. |
Maximum Adjustment: | None. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 6 space (30'). |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | The wagon must be in plain sight (the caster must be able to identify it as a functional wagon). |
Spell-points to cast: | 5 (spell-points will not begin to regenerate until the "Duration:" of this spell has expired. |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 5 silver |
Animation, Bridge (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one bridge from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 12 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 10 spaces (50') out (+1 space per level of the caster). 2 spaces (10') wide (+1 1 space wider, if the caster wishes it, per 7 levels advanced). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will create a suspension bridge to safely span chasms for passage, and can support 1,000 Lbs. (+ 1,000 Lbs. per 2 levels advanced). |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 6 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 10 silver |
Animation, Chair (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one chair from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 2 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | As one normal sized chair |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will create chair to sit on. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 1 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 1 silver |
Animation, Ladder (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one ladder from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 4 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One normal sized 10' ladder. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will create a ladder to climb as you would any normal ladder of its type. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 2 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 1 silver |
Animation, Rope (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one Rope from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 6 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | The length of this 1/2" thick rope will be 100' (+20' x the level of the caster). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will create a rope, and is as strong as any newly made, common rope. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 3 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 4 silver |
Animation, Stairs (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one set of stairs from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 10 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster (2 normal sized humans may way abreast). These stairs can carry as much weight as the strength of the caster x 700 Lbs. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will create a set of stairs to use as you would use any common stairs. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 5 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 10,000 white-gold |
Animation, Table (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one table from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 4 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | As a normal type of table. 1 person x the level of the caster can be seated at it. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will create a table to use as you would use any common table. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 2 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 4,000 white-gold |
Animation, Tunnel (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will create one tunnel from the elements nearby (i.e., earth, rock, sand, dirt, etc.) |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 20 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | This tunnel will move aside earth, non-solid rock, sand, etc., so that 3 normal sized humans may walk through it. The length will be 1 space (5') per two levels of the caster. This tunnel can support as much weight as the strength of the caster x 2,000 Lbs. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will mold and form one tunnel to hide, or take shelter, within. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 10 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 20,000 white-gold |
Animation, Utensils (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will form one set of eating utensils (fork, knife, spoon) from the elements nearby (i.e., mineral (gold, silver, etc.), metal (i.e., gage-steel, shank-steel, etc.), or wood (i.e., pine, oak, etc.). |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 2 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | This will create one fork, knife and spoon for eating. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: | The knife can be used as a weapon but will only inflict 1-D4 -2 points of damage per strike (as knife in “Weapons Book”). It is not a magical weapon. |
Duration: | Permanent. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
This spell will form one set of eating utensils. The size will accommodate the one who will eat with then. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x the level of the caster. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 1 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 20,000 white-gold |
Animationist's Call (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will reach out to other Animationists in the “Area of Effect”, drawing them to the caster. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 4 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 100 spaces (500') x 4,000 spaces (20,000') |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 1 hour (720 turns). |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | 24 hours. If one heeds this spell and comes to the Animationist, upon sighting the one who cast this spell, the duration of this spell will expire. |
Effect Time: | 1-D6 turns to full impact of this spell. |
Explanation: |
Animationist’s Call will send out a magical beckoning to all other possible Animationists within the “Area of Effect” of this spell.
It will not force another Animationist to heed the beck and call of the Animationist casting this spell, but it will impress upon their minds that another Animationist seeks an audience.
% chance for this spell to locate and beckon another Animationist: Caster’s Intelligence ÷ 5 (rounded down) +01% per level advanced after learning this spell.
Note: |
Hand Movement: | None. Animationist chants the Song of the Animationist. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | 91% chance to successfully target another Animationist. |
Notes: | The align of another that heeds this spell’s beck and call will be strictly up to the discretion of the game master. |
Range: | Caster only. |
Resting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | Caster must not do anything but chant this song, and cannot be physically touched by anything that could possibly disrupt the chant, or this spell will have to be recast. |
Spell-points to cast: | 2 Note: Until the “Duration” of this spell has ended, spell-points used to cast this spell will not regenerate. |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 4,000 white-gold |
Bent (Tampered Forge) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell negates part or all of the damage of a weapon per strike for the duration. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 10 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One weapon. |
Avoidance-Roll: | Yes: Wielder must make a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Magic" (+1 per rank of the targeted weapon). |
Casting Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds). |
Damage: | None. |
Duration: | 1-D6 turns (+1-D6 turns per level advanced). |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
This spell will lower the damage a weapon inflicts by 1-D10 (+1-D10 per 3 levels advanced).
The damage a weapon will do will be modified before any other calculations are figured in.
Example: A deadly chopping weapon has been successfully spell-bound. The initial damage will be lowered before the chopping effect is calculated (not after). |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: | 60 points of damage can be negated (per successful strike). |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 10 spaces (50') + 1 space (5') per 3 levels advanced. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | Enchanted weapon abilities, such as a fire, cold, acid, etc. will not be lowered. |
Spell Preparation: | Spell component: Must have the shard of a broken weapon. |
Spell-points to cast: | 5 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 10,000 white-gold |
Folded Metal (Minor Animation) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+)
This spell enables what the Animationist has created to move and obey commands. This creation, no matter the power of it, will remain a loyal servant to the caster as long as it is not destroyed, or as long as the caster yet lives. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 8 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Trade-Skill: "Black Smith". |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One creation of metal. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | It will take a minimum of one fortnight (2 weeks) to craft the metal humanoid, then 10 turns (50 seconds) to cast this spell upon it, animating it. |
Damage: |
See: "Explanation". |
Duration: | Permanent, unless destroyed, or until the death of the Animationist. |
Effect Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Explanation: |
The Animationist must forge a creature or humanoid from metal. Once this is accomplished, the spell must be cast upon it, which will animate the creation, obeying the Animationist's command without question.
Attacks/Damage/Range: 2 Fists per turn: 1-D12 Attack type -- : Blunt Range --------- : 1 space (5')
Damage-points: 1-D12 x caster's level (these will be base damage-points that will increase by 1-D12 each time the caster levels).
Defense: As caster.
Maximum Level ---- : 10 Move ---- : ½ that of the caster (rounded up). Offence - : As caster
Special abilities: When Folded Metal comes in contact with any form of ELECTRICITY, it will gain the following: +3 movement +1 attack 50% physical damage-resistance for 2-D6 turns. Half of all previously sustained damage will heal instantly. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | This animation is sleepless, feels no pain, emotion, or sense of conscience. It is immune to charms and mental attacks, because it is mindless, and follows only what the caster commands. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | Touch. The caster must build the metal humanoid with his or her own hands. The casting of the spell itself can be within 2 spaces (10') of the metal humanoid. |
Resting Time: | 12 turns (60 seconds). |
Special: | The Spell-Points used to create Folded Metal are permanently lost upon the final casting. These spell-points are freely and willingly forfeit by the caster to create this animation. |
Spell Preparation: | Must have the proper materials and knowledge to create this Animation. The caster must create one metal humanoid creation to be animated. |
Spell-points to cast: | 1 See: "Special". |
Susceptibilities: | A Spell or Ability that manipulates metal will cause a Maximum-Strike. |
Value: | 8,000 white-gold |
Folded Metal (Minor Servant Animation) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+)
This spell enables what the Animationist has created to move and obey commands. This creation, no matter the power |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 16 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Folded Metal (Minor Animation)" Trade-Skill: "Black Smith". |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One creation of metal. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | It will take a minimum of one fortnight (2 weeks) to craft the metal humanoid, then 10 turns (50 seconds) to cast this spell upon it, animating it. |
Damage: |
See: "Explanation". |
Duration: | Permanent, unless destroyed, or until the death of the Animationist. |
Effect Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Explanation: |
The Animationist must forge a creature or humanoid from metal. Once this is accomplished, the spell must be cast upon it, which will animate the creation, obeying the Animationist's command without question.
Attacks/Damage/Range: 2 Fists per turn: 1-D20 Attack type -- : Blunt Range --------- : 1 space (5')
damage-points that will increase by 1-D12 +2 each time the caster levels).
Defense: As caster.
Maximum Level ---- : 20 Move ---- : ½ that of the caster (rounded up). Offence - : As caster
Special abilities: When Folded Metal comes in contact with any form of ELECTRICITY, it will gain the following: +3 movement +1 attack 50% physical damage-resistance for 2-D6 turns. Half of all previously sustained damage will heal instantly. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | This animation is sleepless, feels no pain, emotion, or sense of conscience. It is immune to charms and mental attacks, because it is mindless, and follows only what the caster commands. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | Touch. The caster must build the metal humanoid with his or her own hands. The casting of the spell itself can be within 2 spaces (10') of the metal humanoid. |
Resting Time: | 12 turns (60 seconds). |
Special: | The Spell-Points used to create Folded Metal are permanently lost upon the final casting. These spell-points are freely and willingly forfeit by the caster to create this animation. |
Spell Preparation: | Must have the proper materials and knowledge to create this Animation. The caster must create one metal humanoid creation to be animated. |
Spell-points to cast: | 2 See: "Special". |
Susceptibilities: | A Spell or Ability that manipulates metal will cause a Maximum-Strike. |
Value: | 16,000 white-gold |
Folded Metal (Minor Familiar Animation) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+)
This spell enables what the Animationist has created to move and obey commands. This creation, no matter the power |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 24 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Folded Metal (Minor Animation)" "Folded Metal (Minor Servant Animation)" Trade-Skill: "Black Smith". |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One creation of metal. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | It will take a minimum of one fortnight (2 weeks) to craft the metal humanoid, then 10 turns (50 seconds) to cast this spell upon it, animating it. |
Damage: |
See: "Explanation". |
Duration: | Permanent, unless destroyed, or until the death of the Animationist. |
Effect Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Explanation: |
The Animationist must forge a creature or humanoid from metal. Once this is accomplished, the spell must be cast upon it, which will animate the creation, obeying the Animationist's command without question.
Attacks/Damage/Range: 2 Fists per turn: 2-D20 Attack type -- : Blunt Range --------- : 1 space (5')
damage-points that will increase by 1-D12 +4 each time the caster levels).
Defense: As caster.
Maximum Level ---- : 40 Move ---- : ½ that of the caster (rounded up). Offence - : As caster
Special abilities: When Folded Metal comes in contact with any form of ELECTRICITY, it will gain the following: +3 movement +1 attack 50% physical damage-resistance for 2-D6 turns. Half of all previously sustained damage will heal instantly.
Note: The caster can see through the eyes of this animation. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | This animation is sleepless, feels no pain, emotion, or sense of conscience. It is immune to charms and mental attacks, because it is mindless, and follows only what the caster commands. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | Touch. The caster must build the metal humanoid with his or her own hands. The casting of the spell itself can be within 2 spaces (10') of the metal humanoid. |
Resting Time: | 12 turns (60 seconds). |
Special: | The Spell-Points used to create Folded Metal are permanently lost upon the final casting. These spell-points are freely and willingly forfeit by the caster to create this animation. |
Spell Preparation: | Must have the proper materials and knowledge to create this Animation. The caster must create one metal humanoid creation to be animated. |
Spell-points to cast: | 3 See: "Special". |
Susceptibilities: | A Spell or Ability that manipulates metal will cause a Maximum-Strike. |
Value: | 24,000 white-gold |
Folded Metal (Familiar Animation) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+)
This spell enables what the Animationist has created to move and obey commands. This creation, no matter the power |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 32 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Folded Metal (Minor Animation)" "Folded Metal (Minor Servant Animation)" "Folded Metal (Minor Familiar Animation)" Trade-Skill: "Black Smith". |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One creation of metal. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | It will take a minimum of one fortnight (2 weeks) to craft the metal humanoid, then 10 turns (50 seconds) to cast this spell upon it, animating it. |
Damage: |
See: "Explanation". |
Duration: | Permanent, unless destroyed, or until the death of the Animationist. |
Effect Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Explanation: |
The Animationist must forge a creature or humanoid from metal. Once this is accomplished, the spell must be cast upon it, which will animate the creation, obeying the Animationist's command without question.
Attacks/Damage/Range: 2 Fists per turn: 3-D20 Attack type -- : Blunt Range --------- : 1 space (5')
damage-points that will increase by 1-D12 +6 each time the caster levels).
Defense: As caster.
Maximum Level ---- : None. Move ---- : ½ that of the caster (rounded up). Offence - : As caster
Special abilities: When Folded Metal comes in contact with any form of ELECTRICITY, it will gain the following: +3 movement +1 attack 50% physical damage-resistance for 2-D6 turns. Half of all previously sustained damage will heal instantly.
Note: The caster can see through the eyes of this animation. |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | This animation is sleepless, feels no pain, emotion, or sense of conscience. It is immune to charms and mental attacks, because it is mindless, and follows only what the caster commands. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | Touch. The caster must build the metal humanoid with his or her own hands. The casting of the spell itself can be within 2 spaces (10') of the metal humanoid. |
Resting Time: | 12 turns (60 seconds). |
Special: | The Spell-Points used to create Folded Metal are permanently lost upon the final casting. These spell-points are freely and willingly forfeit by the caster to create this animation. |
Spell Preparation: | Must have the proper materials and knowledge to create this Animation. The caster must create one metal humanoid creation to be animated. |
Spell-points to cast: | 4 See: "Special". |
Susceptibilities: | A Spell or Ability that manipulates metal will cause a Maximum-Strike. |
Value: | 32,000 white-gold |
Frailty (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will weaken steel, wood, or leather. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 24 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One object of steel, wood or leather. This object can be no heavier than the caster can carry normally (x5 the caster's strength in pounds). |
Avoidance-Roll: | Yes: If the targeted object is being worn by any class of creature, the wearer can attempt an avoidance-roll vs. "Magic" to cause this spell to not take effect. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Damage: |
See: "Explanation". |
Duration: | 1-D10 turns +1 turn (5 seconds) per level of the caster. |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
Causes the following materials to be reduced in quality: Scalehide-leather weakens to Heavy-leather quality. Heavy-leather weakens Light-leather quality. Admontanium-steel weakens to Earthen-steel quality. Earthen-steel weakens to Krakkin-steel quality. Krakkin-steel weakens to Shank-steel quality. Oak-wood weakens to Pine-wood quality.
Light-leather, pine-wood and gage-steel cannot be effected as it is already at it's lowest possible weakness.
If cast directly upon a weapon, the damage it cause per strike will be temporarily minimized, even negated as follows:
Level of the caster: Damage subtracted from each strike: 6th to 10th: - 1-D4 11th to 15th: - 1-D6 16th to 20th: - 1-D8 21st to 25th: - 1-D10 26th to 30th: - 1-D12 31st +: - 1-D20 |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | If you cast this spell upon a krakkin-steel object, it will lower the steel quality to shank-steel. If you then cast this spell on the same object, it will do nothing (it will not lower the quality again). |
Range: | 2 spaces (10'). |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | This spell has a 05% chance of destroying the object it is cast upon once the spell has worn off (with the exception of objects which are blessed, cursed, enchanted, magical, etc.). |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 12 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 24,000 white-gold |
Load (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will load a ballast, catapult, crossbow, pistol-crossbow, etc., as if the caster were loading it him or herself. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 4 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 1 weapon (+1 per 5 levels of the caster). |
Avoidance-Roll: | Yes: If holder of weapon makes a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Magic" this spell will not take effect. |
Casting Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Once a weapon has been loaded, this spell must be cast upon it again. |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
This spell will enable the caster to wield a weapon he or she can normally not use without penalty or negative adjustment without touching it. |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | For every rank a weapon is, there will be a 05% resistance to Animated Weapon. Example: a Rank-5 weapon will have a 25% chance of not being effected by this spell. The spell can, however, be cast again upon the |
Maximum Adjustment: |
None. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 2 points of the caster's Awareness. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | Caster must be in "Range" of the weapon he or she wishes to cast this spell upon. The weapon must also be fully visible initially (if the weapon is blocked from the caster's vision after the spell has already been cast upon it, this spell will still work for the "Duration"). |
Spell-points to cast: | 2 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 4,000 white-gold |
Make-Shift (Cabin) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will bring together materials to create a cabin in which the caster and others can take refuge within. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 32 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Make-Shift (Shelter)" |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 49 spaces (245'). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Permanent. This structure will remain, though will be susceptible to the passing of time, as well as the hand of atrophy. It can also be destroyed. |
Effect Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Explanation: |
This structure can be formed from non-living materials such as: Bone, Clay, Dirt, Gem, Ice, Leather, Leaves, Minerals (i.e., copper, gold, silver, etc.), Rock, Snow, Steel, and Wood.
Once formed, the caster and others can benefit from the sheltering effects this spell provides.
Materials used, and the damage-points each type of material has: To get into this structure, all the damage-points of at least one space must be damaged to zero.
Earth: Clay compacted earth: 400 Normal compacted earth: 200 Sand compacted earth: 100 Ice: Glacier ice: 900 Lake ice: 300 River ice: 100
Living foliage: Prerequisite: Druid (see: "Special") Bracken: 140 Plants: 100 Smaller-sized trees: 300 Medium-sized trees: 600 Larger-sized trees: 1,200 Very large-sized trees: 2,400
Non-Living foliage: Bracken: 70 Plants: 50 Smaller-sized trees: 150 Medium-sized trees: 300 Larger-sized trees: 600 Very large-sized trees: 1,200
Sand: Loose desert sand or dirt (dry): 100 Beach sand or earth (wet): 140 Compacted sand or dirt (dry): 160
Stone: Conglomerate (compacted pebbles, sand, etc.): 800 Granite (solid): 4,800 Limestone (solid): 1,600 Sandstone (solid): 2,400 Water (or liquid substance): Prerequisite: Elemental Magician This type of shelter does not have damage-points. It does have a damage-reduction of 1 (+1 per 7 levels the caster has advanced). It will also nullify the effects of fire (even dragon-flame).
Remember: Only non-living materials can be used UNLESS the caster has taken a druidic path -- in which living foliage and trees will accommodate the Animationist, forming a living structure as best it can (but only if the Animationist is in good standing with nature). |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | Not applicable. |
Immunities: | See: "Explanation". |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | The caster can depict the shape of the structure to his or her own whim, as long as it does not exceed the "Area of Effect". |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 3 points of Awareness. |
Resting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds). |
Special: | If this structure is created from living materials, it will regenerate damage taken at a rate of 1-D6 points (+1-D6 points per 7 levels the caster has advanced). |
Spell Preparation: | The caster must have materials to construct this structure (materials do not appear out of nowhere). |
Spell-points to cast: | 16 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 32,000 white-gold |
Make-Shift (Hut) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will bring together materials to create a hut in which the caster and others can take refuge within. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 16 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Make-Shift (Shelter)" |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 9 spaces (45'). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 2 turns (10 seconds). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Permanent. This structure will remain, though will be susceptible to the effects of time and atrophy. It can also be destoroyed. |
Effect Time: | 2 turns (10 seconds). |
Explanation: |
This structure can be formed from non-living materials such as: Bone, Clay, Dirt, Gem, Ice, Leather, Leaves, Minerals (i.e., copper, gold, silver, etc.), Rock, Snow, Steel, and Wood.
Once formed, the caster and others can benefit from the sheltering effects this spell provides.
Materials used, and the damage-points each type of material has: To get into this structure, all the damage-points of at least one space must be damaged to zero.
Earth: Clay compacted earth: 400 Normal compacted earth: 200 Sand compacted earth: 100 Ice: Glacier ice: 900 Lake ice: 300 River ice: 100
Living foliage: Prerequisite: Druid (see: "Special") Bracken: 140 Plants: 100 Smaller-sized trees: 300 Medium-sized trees: 600 Larger-sized trees: 1,200 Very large-sized trees: 2,400
Non-Living foliage: Bracken: 70 Plants: 50 Smaller-sized trees: 150 Medium-sized trees: 300 Larger-sized trees: 600 Very large-sized trees: 1,200
Sand: Loose desert sand or dirt (dry): 100 Beach sand or earth (wet): 140 Compacted sand or dirt (dry): 160
Stone: Conglomerate (compacted pebbles, sand, etc.): 800 Granite (solid): 4,800 Limestone (solid): 1,600 Sandstone (solid): 2,400 Water (or liquid substance): Prerequistie: Elemental Magician This type of shelter does not have damage-points. It does have a damage-reduction of 1 (+1 per 7 levels the caster has advanced). It will also nullify the effects of fire (even dragon-flame).
Remember: Only non-living materials can be used UNLESS the caster has taken a druidic path -- in which living foliage and trees will accommodate the Animationist, forming a living structure as best it can (but only if the Animationist is in good standing with nature). |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | Not applicable. |
Immunities: | See: "Explanation". |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | The caster can depict the shape of the structure to his or her own whim, as long as it does not exceed the "Area of Effect". |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 3 points of Awareness. |
Resting Time: | 2 turns (10 seconds). |
Special: | If this structure is created from living materials, it will regenerate damage taken at a rate of 1-D6 points (+1-D6 points per 7 levels the caster has advanced). |
Spell Preparation: | The caster must have materials to construct this structure (materials do not appear out of nowhere). |
Spell-points to cast: | 8 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 16,000 white-gold |
Make-Shift (Keep) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will bring together materials to create a small keep in which the caster and others can take refuge within. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 64 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Make-Shift (Shelter)" |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 100 spaces (500'). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 4 turns (20 seconds). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Permanent. This structure will remain, though will be susceptible to the passing of time, as well as the hand of atrophy. It can also be destroyed. |
Effect Time: | 4 turns (20 seconds). |
Explanation: |
This structure can be formed from non-living materials such as: Bone, Clay, Dirt, Gem, Ice, Leather, Leaves, Minerals (i.e., copper, gold, silver, etc.), Rock, Snow, Steel, and Wood.
Once formed, the caster and others can benefit from the sheltering effects this spell provides.
Materials used, and the damage-points each type of material has: To get into this structure, all the damage-points of at least one space must be damaged to zero.
Earth: Clay compacted earth: 400 Normal compacted earth: 200 Sand compacted earth: 100 Ice: Glacier ice: 900 Lake ice: 300 River ice: 100
Living foliage: Prerequisite: Druid (see: "Special") Bracken: 140 Plants: 100 Smaller-sized trees: 300 Medium-sized trees: 600 Larger-sized trees: 1,200 Very large-sized trees: 2,400
Non-Living foliage: Bracken: 70 Plants: 50 Smaller-sized trees: 150 Medium-sized trees: 300 Larger-sized trees: 600 Very large-sized trees: 1,200
Sand: Loose desert sand or dirt (dry): 100 Beach sand or earth (wet): 140 Compacted sand or dirt (dry): 160
Stone: Conglomerate (compacted pebbles, sand, etc.): 800 Granite (solid): 4,800 Limestone (solid): 1,600 Sandstone (solid): 2,400 Water (or liquid substance): Prerequisite: Elemental Magician This type of shelter does not have damage-points. It does have a damage-reduction of 1 (+1 per 7 levels the caster has advanced). It will also nullify the effects of fire (even dragon-flame).
Remember: Only non-living materials can be used UNLESS the caster has taken a druidic path -- in which living foliage and trees will accommodate the Animationist, forming a living structure as best it can (but only if the Animationist is in good standing with nature). |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | Not applicable. |
Immunities: | See: "Explanation". |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | The caster can depict the shape of the structure to his or her own whim, as long as it does not exceed the "Area of Effect". |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 3 points of Awareness. |
Resting Time: | 4 turns (20 seconds). |
Special: | If this structure is created from living materials, it will regenerate damage taken at a rate of 1-D6 points (+1-D6 points per 7 levels the caster has advanced). |
Spell Preparation: | The caster must have materials to construct this structure (materials do not appear out of nowhere). |
Spell-points to cast: | 32 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 64,000 white-gold |
Make-Shift (Shelter) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will bring together materials to create a shelter in which the caster and another can take refuge within. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 8 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 1 space (5'). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Permanent. This structure will remain, though will be susceptible to the effects of time and atrophy. It can also be destoroyed. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds). |
Explanation: |
This structure can be formed from non-living materials such as: Bone, Clay, Dirt, Gem, Ice, Leather, Leaves, Minerals (i.e., copper, gold, silver, etc.), Rock, Snow, Steel, and Wood.
Once formed, the caster and others can benefit from the sheltering effects this spell provides.
Materials used, and the damage-points each type of material has: To get into this structure, all the damage-points of at least one space must be damaged to zero.
Earth: Clay compacted earth: 400 Normal compacted earth: 200 Sand compacted earth: 100 Ice: Glacier ice: 900 Lake ice: 300 River ice: 100
Living foliage: Prerequisite: Druid (see: "Special") Bracken: 140 Plants: 100 Smaller-sized trees: 300 Medium-sized trees: 600 Larger-sized trees: 1,200 Very large-sized trees: 2,400
Non-Living foliage: Bracken: 70 Plants: 50 Smaller-sized trees: 150 Medium-sized trees: 300 Larger-sized trees: 600 Very large-sized trees: 1,200
Sand: Loose desert sand or dirt (dry): 100 Beach sand or earth (wet): 140 Compacted sand or dirt (dry): 160
Stone: Conglomerate (compacted pebbles, sand, etc.): 800 Granite (solid): 4,800 Limestone (solid): 1,600 Sandstone (solid): 2,400 Water (or liquid substance): Prerequistie: Elemental Magician This type of shelter does not have damage-points. It does have a damage-reduction of 1 (+1 per 7 levels the caster has advanced). It will also nullify the effects of fire (even dragon-flame).
Remember: Only non-living materials can be used UNLESS the caster has taken a druidic path -- in which living foliage and trees will accommodate the Animationist, forming a living structure as best it can (but only if the Animationist is in good standing with nature). |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | Not applicable. |
Immunities: | See: "Explanation". |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | The caster can depict the shape of the structure to his or her own whim, as long as it does not exceed the "Area of Effect". |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 3 points of Awareness. |
Resting Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds). |
Special: | If this structure is created from living materials, it will regenerate damage taken at a rate of 1-D6 points (+1-D6 points per 7 levels the caster has advanced). |
Spell Preparation: | The caster must have materials to construct this structure (materials do not appear out of nowhere). |
Spell-points to cast: | 4 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 8,000 white-gold |
Make-Shift (Stronghold) (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will bring together materials to create a small keep in which the caster and others can take refuge within. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 128 Prerequisites --------------------------- : "Make-Shift (Shelter)" |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 300 spaces (1,500'). |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 5 turns (25 seconds). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Permanent. This structure will remain, though will be susceptible to the passing of time, as well as the hand of atrophy. It can also be destroyed. |
Effect Time: | 5 turns (25 seconds). |
Explanation: |
This structure can be formed from non-living materials such as: Bone, Clay, Dirt, Gem, Ice, Leather, Leaves, Minerals (i.e., copper, gold, silver, etc.), Rock, Snow, Steel, and Wood.
Once formed, the caster and others can benefit from the sheltering effects this spell provides.
Materials used, and the damage-points each type of material has: To get into this structure, all the damage-points of at least one space must be damaged to zero.
Earth: Clay compacted earth: 400 Normal compacted earth: 200 Sand compacted earth: 100 Ice: Glacier ice: 900 Lake ice: 300 River ice: 100
Living foliage: Prerequisite: Druid (see: "Special") Bracken: 140 Plants: 100 Smaller-sized trees: 300 Medium-sized trees: 600 Larger-sized trees: 1,200 Very large-sized trees: 2,400
Non-Living foliage: Bracken: 70 Plants: 50 Smaller-sized trees: 150 Medium-sized trees: 300 Larger-sized trees: 600 Very large-sized trees: 1,200
Sand: Loose desert sand or dirt (dry): 100 Beach sand or earth (wet): 140 Compacted sand or dirt (dry): 160
Stone: Conglomerate (compacted pebbles, sand, etc.): 800 Granite (solid): 4,800 Limestone (solid): 1,600 Sandstone (solid): 2,400 Water (or liquid substance): Prerequisite: Elemental Magician This type of shelter does not have damage-points. It does have a damage-reduction of 1 (+1 per 7 levels the caster has advanced). It will also nullify the effects of fire (even dragon-flame).
Remember: Only non-living materials can be used UNLESS the caster has taken a druidic path -- in which living foliage and trees will accommodate the Animationist, forming a living structure as best it can (but only if the Animationist is in good standing with nature). |
Hand Movement: | Two hands. |
Healing: | Not applicable. |
Immunities: | See: "Explanation". |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | The caster can depict the shape of the structure to his or her own whim, as long as it does not exceed the "Area of Effect". |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 3 points of Awareness. |
Resting Time: | 5 turns (25 seconds). |
Special: | If this structure is created from living materials, it will regenerate damage taken at a rate of 1-D6 points (+1-D6 points per 7 levels the caster has advanced). |
Spell Preparation: | The caster must have materials to construct this structure (materials do not appear out of nowhere). |
Spell-points to cast: | 64 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 128,000 white-gold |
Puppet 1 (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
Create a hand-sized puppet that can move and obey commands independant of a hand to guide it. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 6 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | N/A. See: "Spell-Points to Cast". |
Ability Preparation: | N/A (this is a spell). |
Area of Effect: | Not applicable. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None.
Note: This spell cannot be cast upon an already animated puppet. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: |
As weapon wielded, divided by 10 (rounded up). |
Duration: | 24 hours (+ 2 hours per scroll memorized after learning this spell).
Special: If the caster expends 80 spell-points, rather than 4, when casting this spell, the duration will increase to 1 moon (30 days) (+ 2 hours per scroll memorized after learning this spell).
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds). |
Explanation: |
This spell will animate a puppet, crafted by the caster, or another. This hand-sized puppet will animate, and do the bidding of the caster.
Only one puppet can be created when this spell is learned, but for every Puppet scroll memorized, after learning this spell, an additional Puppet can be created.
Characteristics: Awareness: As the caster.
Damage-points: 1-D6 per 3 levels of the caster. Defense: 10 Movement: 4 spaces (20') per turn. Offense: 10
Special Defenses: Mind altering abilities, powers and spells have no effect on this animation (it has no mind of its own). |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | Not applicable. |
Immunities: | See "Special Defenses" in the Explanation section of this creature. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
None. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 4 spaces (20'). |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | Caster must prepare, or have prepaired, a hand puppet in advance for this spell to work. |
Spell-points to cast: | 3 |
Spell Preparation: | The caster must have enough raw material to create the puppet (it does not have to be assembled). |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 8,000 white-gold |
Quicken Weapon (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell will cause a weapon to rise up and wield itself as if the caster himself is using it. It will attack and defend |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 14 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One weapon. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | 1-D4 turns +1 turn (5 seconds) x the level of the caster after learning this spell. |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
This spell will enable the caster to wield a weapon he or she can normally use without any penalty or negative adjustment without touching it. While this spell is in effect, the caster can use the Quicken Weapon, and also cast or use a personal weapon. |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | For every rank a weapon is, there will be a 05% resistance to Quicken Weapon. Example: a Rank-5 weapon will have a 25% chance of not being effected by this spell. The spell can, however, be cast again upon the weapon in an attempt to control it. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
None. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') per 3 points of Awareness. The weapon must be seen clearly. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | If this structure is created from living materials, it will regenerate damage taken at a rate of 1-D6 points (+1-D6 points per 7 levels the caster has advanced). |
Spell Preparation: | Caster must be in "Range" of the weapon he or she wishes to cast this spell upon. The weapon must also be fully visible. After the weapon is Quickened, the weapon can move about at the will of the caster, but not out of range. A target, or area, that the weapon attacks within in which the caster cannot see will be subject to the normal penalty adjustment to fighting blind (-60 attack / -60 defense). |
Spell-points to cast: | 5 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 14,000 white-gold |
Staminaturia (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
This spell causes armoring to be strengthened up one full grade. It can also be cast upon a weapon to increase damage caused. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 24 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One set of armor, one shield, or one weapon. |
Avoidance-Roll: | Yes: If wearer or holder of armor or weapon makes a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Magic" this spell will not take effect. |
Casting Time: | 3 turns (15 seconds) |
Damage: |
See: "Explanation" |
Duration: | 1-D10 turns +1 turn (5 seconds) per level of the caster. |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
Armor: Causes Armor to be at x2 quality, or durability, or toughness, strengthening it as follows (Light-leather to Heavy leather, Heavy-leather to Scale-hide leather, Scale-hide leather to Troll-hide leather, etc. (Gage-steel to Shank-steel, Shank-steel to Krakkin-steel, Krakkin-steel to Earthen-steel, etc.).
Example: Light-leather will be strengthened up to Heavy-leather for the "Duration". Borgus-leather cannot be effected as it is already at it's highest possible strength. This applies to all forms of armor, not just leather (steel is also effected).
Weapon: This spell will also increase weapon damage by +1-D6 (+1-D6 per 5 levels advanced). |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | Touch. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | This spell has a 05% chance of destroying the item it is cast upon once the spell has worn off. |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 12 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 24,000 white-gold |
Trigger (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
Pulls or Releases the trigger on a crossbow, trap, etc. The trigger mechanism must be seen. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 10 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | One trap or trigger mechanism. |
Avoidance-Roll: | None. |
Casting Time: | Instant. Even though the casting time on this spell is instant, you may only cast one spell per turn (unless you possess a Divine Favor to do otherwise). |
Damage: |
None. |
Duration: | Instant. |
Effect Time: | Instant. |
Explanation: |
This spell will set off anything that has a physical trigger mechanism, such as a trap, the trigger to release a bolt or dart from a weapon, etc. |
Hand Movement: | One hand. Caster must point at the intended target. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | None. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | None. |
Range: | 1 space (5') x caster’s awareness. |
Resting Time: | None. |
Special: | Once the trigger mechanism is seen, the caster will no longer have to have it in sight to set it off. The caster only need be within the spell's "Range". If the caster knows the mechanism well, the trigger mechanism does not have to be visually seen to set it off (he or she has see it before, and knows it -- that is considering it has not been physically altered -- then the spell would simply fail). |
Spell Preparation: | None. |
Spell-points to cast: | 5 |
Susceptibilities: | None. |
Value: | 10,000 white-gold |
Twisted (Adventurer Spell (levels 6+) Return to top
Causes the elements of the earth to form into an Earth Cretin to do caster's bidding. |
Modification-Point Cost (M.P.C.): 36 Prerequisites --------------------------- : Animationist |
Ability-points to invoke: | Not applicable. See: "Spell-points to cast". |
Area of Effect: | 50' x 50' x 3" surface of ground. |
Avoidance-Roll: | Not applicable. |
Casting Time: | 6 turns (30 seconds). |
Damage: |
See: "Cretin, Earth" in the C Section of the Creatures Book. |
Duration: | 1 hour + 1 hour per level after learning this spell. |
Effect Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Explanation: |
See: "Cretin, Earth" in the C Section of the Creatures Book. |
Hand Movement: | One hand. |
Healing: | None. |
Immunities: | Enchanted and magical ground is not effected. |
Maximum Adjustment: |
Not applicable. |
Notes: | Cannot take up any space larger than x2 caster's height, nor can it be less than half. |
Range: | Touch. Caster must touch the ground. |
Resting Time: | 1 turn (5 seconds) |
Special: | None. |
Spell Preparation: | Caster merely casts the spell and touches the ground before him or her with his or her forefinger. |
Spell-points to cast: | 18 |
Susceptibilities: | Not applicable. |
Value: | 36,000 white-gold |